berlin isaiah the crooked timber of humanity

Berlin Isaiah The Crooked Timber of Humanity
Berlin Isaiah The Crooked Timber of Humanity


RUR 5076

Isaiah Berlin was one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century - an activist of the intellect who marshalled vast erudition and eloquence in defence of the endangered values of individual liberty and moral and political plurality. In The Crooked Timber of Humanity he exposes the links between the ideas of the past and the social and political cataclysms of our own time: between the Platonic belief in absolute truth and the lure of authoritarianism; between the eighteenth-century reactionary ideologue Joseph de Maistre and twentieth-century Fascism; between the romanticism of Schiller and Byron and the militant - and sometimes genocidal - nationalism that convulses the modern world. This new edition features a revised text, a new foreword in which award-winning novelist John Banville discusses Berlin's life and ideas, particularly his defence of pluralism, and a substantial new appendix that provides rich context, including letters and previously uncollected writings by Berlin, notably his virtuoso review of Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy.

Berlin Isaiah The Roots of Romanticism
Berlin Isaiah The Roots of Romanticism


RUR 4820

The Roots of Romanticism is the long-awaited text of Isaiah Berlin's most celebrated set of lectures, the Mellon Lectures, delivered in Washington in 1965 and heard since by a much wider audience on BBC radio. For Berli, the Romantics set in train a vast, unparalleled revolution in humanity's view of itself. They destroyed the traditional notion of objective truth in ethicsm with incalculable, all-pervasive results. In his unscripted tour de force Berlin surveys the myriad attempts to define romanticism, distils its essence, traces its development, and shows how its legacy permeates our outlook today.

Berlin Isaiah The Power of Ideas
Berlin Isaiah The Power of Ideas


RUR 4370

The nineteen essays collected here show Isaiah Berlin at his most lucid: these short, introductory pieces provide the perfect starting point for the reader new to his work. Their linking theme is the crucial social and political role of ideas, and of their progenitors. The subjects vary widely - from philosophy to education, from Russia to Israel, from Marxism to romanticism - and the appositeness of Heine's warning is exemplified on a broad front. The contents include Berlin's last essay - a retrospective autobiographical survey and the classic statement of his Zionist views. As a whole the book exhibits the full range of his expertise, and demonstrates the enormously engaging individuality, as well as the power, of his own ideas.

Turgenev Ivan First Love And Other Stories
Turgenev Ivan First Love And Other Stories


RUR 3389

This volume contains two of the world's great love stories - First Love, and Spring Torrents, which show Turgenev at his very best. Simple, direct and tender, they record the pains and glories of youthful infatuation in a style which evokes exactly and in detail what it is like to be young and in love. In addition, there is a third, much shorter story, A Fire at Sea, translated by Isaiah Berlin, and an introduction to the whole volume by V. S. Pritchett.

Маслякова А. The History of Philosophical Ideas and Their Expression in Art
Маслякова А. The History of Philosophical Ideas and Their Expression in Art


RUR 233

It seems to me that there is something Mysterious about Art. The History of Art is closely connected with Philosophical Ideas of the time. In this book we are going to scrutinize the way in which Philosophical Ideas have been expressed in Art from Antiquity to the Present Day. We are going to visit a lot of cities - Rome, Florence, Munich, Barcelona, Berlin, Riga, Tallinn, Prague, Helsinki, Stockholm, Saint Petersburg... That is to say, we are going to Travel throughout the Whole History of Humanity and I hope that at the end of our Journey we will know more not only about Art, but also about ourselves.

Маслякова А. The History of Philosophical Ideas and Their Expression in Art
Маслякова А. The History of Philosophical Ideas and Their Expression in Art


RUR 233

It seems to me that there is something Mysterious about Art. The History of Art is closely connected with Philosophical Ideas of the time. In this book we are going to scrutinize the way in which Philosophical Ideas have been expressed in Art from Antiquity to the Present Day. We are going to visit a lot of cities - Rome, Florence, Munich, Barcelona, Berlin, Riga, Tallinn, Prague, Helsinki, Stockholm, Saint Petersburg... That is to say, we are going to Travel throughout the Whole History of Humanity and I hope that at the end of our Journey we will know more not only about Art, but also about ourselves.

Marino Andy Conspiracy
Marino Andy Conspiracy


RUR 1382

Based on the real-life scheme to take down one of history's greatest monsters, this heart-pounding trilogy puts two courageous kids at the center of the plot to kill Adolf Hitler. Berlin, November 1943. With bombing raids commencing, the city is blanketed by explosions. Siblings Gerta and Max Hoffmann live a surprisingly carefree childhood amid the raids. Berlin is a city going about its business, even as it's attacked almost nightly. But one night, the air raid sirens wail, and the Hoffmanns' neighborhood is hit. A mortally wounded man comes to their door, begging to be let in. He asks for Karl Hoffmann, their father. Gerta and Max watch as Karl tries in vain to save the man's life. Before he dies, the stranger gives their father a bloodstained packet of documents, along with a message: "For the sake of humanity, the Fuhrer must die. Finish it, Karl!" Based on real events, this is the story of two children swept up in a fight for the soul of Germany — and the world.

Deighton Len Funeral in Berlin
Deighton Len Funeral in Berlin


RUR 2421

1963 Berlin is dark and dangerous. The anonymous hero of The IPCRESS File has been sent to help arrange the defection - in an elaborate mock coffin - of a leading Soviet scientist. But, as he soon discovers, this deception hides an even deadlier truth. One of the first novels written after the construction of the Berlin Wall, Funeral in Berlin revels in the murky, chilling atmosphere of a divided city.

Ide Joe Fixit
Ide Joe Fixit


RUR 3317

Isaiah Quintabe's first love, Grace, has been kidnapped by maniacal hitman Skip Hanson, who is determined to punish Isaiah for sending him to prison. With Grace's safety at stake, Isaiah reunites with his old partner, ex-hustler Juanell Dodson, to track down Grace's whereabouts. Trouble comes in the shape of Winne Hando, a homicide detective with something to prove. Winnie sees Isaiah's involvement as a potential embarrassment: an unlicensed PI can't be seen doing a better job than a police department. As Winnie and Isaiah compete in their increasingly desperate hunt, Isaiah starts to fear that even if he can bring Grace home alive, things between them will never be the same ...

Lemburg Peter Unfinished Metropolis
Lemburg Peter Unfinished Metropolis


RUR 3826

The ‘new urban municipality of Berlin’, also called Greater Berlin, was created 100 years ago, on 1 October 1920, following a ground-breaking administrative reform. This was a century-defining milestone that transformed Berlin into a world city. The old city of Berlin was merged with 7 other cities, 59 rural communities, and 27 estate districts. As a result, the city’s area increased from 66 to 878 square kilometres, its population from 1.9 to 3.9 million people, virtually overnight. But Greater Berlin did not remain a fixed entity. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, new planning and development projects continued to transform the greater urban area, which has grown, seemingly without end, far beyond the boundaries of Berlin. The two volumes of Unfinished Metropolis are dedicated to the past and future of Greater Berlin. The first volume offers an insight into an array of different topics, such as Berlin’s role as the capital of Germany, its relationship with Brandenburg, and the historical, economic, and social conditions that have driven the growth of the urban area over the centuries. The second volume delves deeper into the designs for the future. It comprehensively documents the International Urban Planning Competition for Berlin-Brandenburg 2070, held by the states’ association of architects and engineers. It also explores how other European capital regions – London, Moscow, Paris, and Vienna – are seeking to ensure sustainable urban development in years to come.

Gallant Mavis The Collected Stories
Gallant Mavis The Collected Stories


RUR 5664

This generous collection of fifty-two stories selected from across her prolific career by the author, is preceded by a preface in which she discusses the sources of her art. With irony and an unfailing eye for the telling detail, Gallant weaves stories of spare complexity, often pushing the boundaries of the form in boldly unconventional directions. The settings in the Collected Stories range from Paris to Berlin to Switzerland, from the Riviera to the Cote d'Azur, and her characters are almost all exiles of one sort or another, as she herself was the most of her expatriate life. The wit and precision of her prose, combined with her expansive view of humanity, provide a rare and deep reading pleasure. With breathtaking control and compression, Gallant delivers a whole life, a whole world, in each story.

Берлин Исайя Русские Мыслители
Берлин Исайя Русские Мыслители


RUR 1593

Исайя Берлин родился в Риге, нынешней латвийской столице, в 1909 г. Когда ребенку исполнилось шесть лет, семья перебралась в Петроград и стала свидетельницей обеих революций - социал-демократической, а затем большевистской. В 1921-м Берлины осели на английской почве. Исайя получил образование в Школе Св. Павла (Лондон) и оксфордском Колледже Тела Христова (Corpus Christi College). Там же, в Оксфорде, Исайя Берлин стал впоследствии действительным членом научных обществ при Колледже Всех Душ (All Souls) и при Новом Колледже, профессором общественной и политической теории, а также основателем и первым президентом Вульфсонова Колледжа (Wolfson College). Умер он в 1997 году. Сэр Исайя Берлин внес огромный вклад в английское россиеведение. Великолепные переводы из Тургенева ("Первая любовь" и "Месяц в деревне") считаются классическими. Среди многочисленных иных публикаций, относящихся к России, числятся "Карл Маркс" (1939; 4-е переиздание-1978), "Понятия и категории" (Concepts and Categories, 1978), "Против течения" (Against the Current, 1979), "Личные впечатления" (1980, 2 nd ed. 1998), "Уродливое древо человечества" (The Crooked Timber of Humanity, 1990), "Чувство действительности" (The Sense of Reality, 1996), "Беспристрастный взгляд на род людской" (The Proper Study of Mankind, 1997), "Корни романтизма" (The Roots of Romanticism, 1999), "Могущество идей" The Power of Ideas, 2000), "Трое критиков эпохи Просвещения" (Three Critics of the Enlightenment, 2000), "Свобода и как ее предают" (Freedom and Its Betrayal, 2002), "Свобода" (Liberty, 2002), "Советский склад ума" (The Soviet Mind, 2004) и "Политические идеи в романтическую эпоху" (Political Ideas in the Romantic Age, 2006). "Русские мыслители" впервые были опубликованы в 1978 году как сборник очерков. Спустя десятилетия эта книга вдохновила Тома Стоппарда (Tom Stoppard), написавшего по ее мотивам драматическую трилогию "Брег Утопии" (The Coast of Utopia, 2002).

Берлин И. Русские мыслители
Берлин И. Русские мыслители


RUR 1149

Исайя Берлин родился в Риге, нынешней латвийской столице, в 1909 г. Когда ребенку исполнилось шесть лет, семья перебралась в Петроград и стала свидетельницей обеих революций - социал-демократической, а затем большевистской. В 1921-м Берлины осели на английской почве. Исайя получил образование в Школе Св. Павла (Лондон) и оксфордском Колледже Тела Христова (Corpus Christi College). Там же, в Оксфорде, Исайя Берлин стал впоследствии действительным членом научных обществ при Колледже Всех Душ (All Souls) и при Новом Колледже, профессором общественной и политической теории, а также основателем и первым президентом Вульфсонова Колледжа (Wolfson College). Умер он в 1997 году. Сэр Исайя Берлин внес огромный вклад в английское россиеведение. Великолепные переводы из Тургенева ("Первая любовь" и "Месяц в деревне") считаются классическими. Среди многочисленных иных публикаций, относящихся к России, числятся "Карл Маркс" (1939; 4-е переиздание-1978), "Понятия и категории" (Concepts and Categories, 1978), "Против течения" (Against the Current, 1979), "Личные впечатления" (1980, 2 nd ed. 1998), "Уродливое древо человечества" (The Crooked Timber of Humanity, 1990), "Чувство действительности" (The Sense of Reality, 1996), "Беспристрастный взгляд на род людской" (The Proper Study of Mankind, 1997), "Корни романтизма" (The Roots of Romanticism, 1999), "Могущество идей" The Power of Ideas, 2000), "Трое критиков эпохи Просвещения" (Three Critics of the Enlightenment, 2000), "Свобода и как ее предают" (Freedom and Its Betrayal, 2002), "Свобода" (Liberty, 2002), "Советский склад ума" (The Soviet Mind, 2004) и "Политические идеи в романтическую эпоху" (Political Ideas in the Romantic Age, 2006). "Русские мыслители" впервые были опубликованы в 1978 году как сборник очерков. Спустя десятилетия эта книга вдохновила Тома Стоппарда (Tom Stoppard), написавшего по ее мотивам драматическую трилогию "Брег Утопии" (The Coast of Utopia, 2002).

Берлин И. Русские мыслители
Берлин И. Русские мыслители


RUR 1149

Исайя Берлин родился в Риге, нынешней латвийской столице, в 1909 г. Когда ребенку исполнилось шесть лет, семья перебралась в Петроград и стала свидетельницей обеих революций - социал-демократической, а затем большевистской. В 1921-м Берлины осели на английской почве. Исайя получил образование в Школе Св. Павла (Лондон) и оксфордском Колледже Тела Христова (Corpus Christi College). Там же, в Оксфорде, Исайя Берлин стал впоследствии действительным членом научных обществ при Колледже Всех Душ (All Souls) и при Новом Колледже, профессором общественной и политической теории, а также основателем и первым президентом Вульфсонова Колледжа (Wolfson College). Умер он в 1997 году. Сэр Исайя Берлин внес огромный вклад в английское россиеведение. Великолепные переводы из Тургенева ("Первая любовь" и "Месяц в деревне") считаются классическими. Среди многочисленных иных публикаций, относящихся к России, числятся "Карл Маркс" (1939; 4-е переиздание-1978), "Понятия и категории" (Concepts and Categories, 1978), "Против течения" (Against the Current, 1979), "Личные впечатления" (1980, 2 nd ed. 1998), "Уродливое древо человечества" (The Crooked Timber of Humanity, 1990), "Чувство действительности" (The Sense of Reality, 1996), "Беспристрастный взгляд на род людской" (The Proper Study of Mankind, 1997), "Корни романтизма" (The Roots of Romanticism, 1999), "Могущество идей" The Power of Ideas, 2000), "Трое критиков эпохи Просвещения" (Three Critics of the Enlightenment, 2000), "Свобода и как ее предают" (Freedom and Its Betrayal, 2002), "Свобода" (Liberty, 2002), "Советский склад ума" (The Soviet Mind, 2004) и "Политические идеи в романтическую эпоху" (Political Ideas in the Romantic Age, 2006). "Русские мыслители" впервые были опубликованы в 1978 году как сборник очерков. Спустя десятилетия эта книга вдохновила Тома Стоппарда (Tom Stoppard), написавшего по ее мотивам драматическую трилогию "Брег Утопии" (The Coast of Utopia, 2002).

Moshfegh Ottessa Homesick For Another World
Moshfegh Ottessa Homesick For Another World


RUR 3539

An electrifying, prizewinning short story collection from the Booker-shortlisted author of Eileen and My Year of Rest and Relaxation. There's something eerily unsettling about Ottessa Moshfegh's stories, something almost dangerous while also being delightful - and often even weirdly hilarious. Her characters are all unsteady on their feet; all yearning for connection and betterment, in very different ways, but each of them seems destined to be tripped up by their own baser impulses. The flesh is weak; the timber is crooked; people are cruel to each other, and stupid, and hurtful, but beauty comes from strange sources, and the dark energy surging through these stories is oddly and powerfully invigorating. One of the most gifted and exciting young writers in America, she shows us uncomfortable things, and makes us look at them forensically - until we find, suddenly, that we are really looking at ourselves.

Isayama H. Attack on Titan 33
Isayama H. Attack on Titan 33


RUR 992

The blockbuster action manga that inspired the epic anime stampedes towards its climax! The saga of humanity and the predatory Titans edges closer to its thrilling conclusions. The mysteries of the Titans are being revealed...who will escape death at the hands of giants and human beings? Story Locale: The post-apocalyptic future Series Overview: Humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming humanity. For the past century, whats left of mankind has hidden in a giant, three-walled city. Now, a young boy consumed with rage displays a strange ability: The power to transform into a Titan! Is this the lucky break humanity needs to survive?

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